Online, telephone and face to face sessions available
Break free and let go of self-limiting beliefs and old behaviours and patterns that have been holding you back.
Wingwave is a ground – breaking coaching method which enables individuals to overcome a wide range of difficult emotions, anxieties, internal stress, painful memories that impact on a person’s wellbeing and performance, worries, negative self-limiting beliefs, burnout, traumas to name just a few.
In our everyday life we are exposed to stressful events and situations which can have a big impact on our emotions and our mindset. We can become anxious, angry, stressed, sad or we can sink into depression if these stresses are not alleviated from our subconscious mind. We can then start to form habits and behaviours that are detrimental to our wellbeing, such as smoking, drinking, self-harming. Having this negative mindset can affect our beliefs and our confidence and can keep us stuck in negative cycles.
Wingwave coaching is a powerful, but natural, gentle technique which involves shifting ‘stuck emotions’ related to trauma, negative experiences, negative thoughts etc in the same way we do ourselves when we fall into REM sleep. When we are asleep our minds process information, but sometimes if we are feeling anxious or stressed we cannot get the sleep we need and so the processing of emotions has been stopped and therefore becomes stuck in our subconscious mind. This creates a whole host of emotional and physical problems.
Wingwave moves these stuck emotions by using NLP, EMDR and the myostatic test to navigate to the root of the problem allowing us to move forward. Wingwave helps to rebalance our mind, body system.
Often experienced as profoundly liberating and life-changing, Wingwave creates emotional calm, reinstates hope, unblocks dormant potential and enables people to perform at the peak of their ability and reach their personal and professional goals.
Success in dissolving mental blocks, stressful memories and unhelpful emotions is usually achieved within just a few coaching sessions (1 – 5).
The technique works with the subconscious mind to regain balance, alleviate stress and dissolves those barriers keeping you stuck giving you the freedom to move forward into a more fulfilling and happier future.
Counselling is a deep, therapeutic relationship where we work together to explore any areas of your life that you are struggling to deal with, which enables you to better understand your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Engaging in this sort of deep, therapeutic relationship allows you the time and space to see more clearly what’s happening in your life (almost like holding a mirror in front of you). You begin to really see yourself, your feelings and behaviours and you can really begin to understand yourself. Here you have the core conditions from the counsellor offering you a confidential space, being non-judgemental, showing empathy, warmth and genuineness to allow you the space to release yourself from any emotions, thoughts or feelings that are troubling you, allowing you to be truly heard.
Within the counselling relationship, I offer you the time and insight to explore any issues where you can gain a deeper level of understanding in order to accept and let go of past or present emotional or cognitive conflict, leaving you freer, lighter, able to feel more at peace or face difficult decisions in your life, allowing you to grow and change to become the person you want to be.
Being heard and understood in this way and being allowed to work at your own pace without judgement can help you to feel accepted for being you, able to see things more clearly and move forward with your life in a more positive way.
Our subconscious mind is thought to be 30,000 times more powerful than our conscious mind.
Hypnosis has been misunderstood. People can believe that we are being controlled or manipulated under hypnosis, in fact this is what I believed at first before I began to discover this was not the case. Instead I began to learn the power of this truly wonderful technique.
Hypnosis is a very natural state of being, somewhere between being awake and asleep and is very relaxing. It’s a state of relaxation where our awareness and senses are heightened, bypassing the critical factor of the conscious mind into the subconscious mind, where we are highly susceptible to suggestions. Relaxation helps when we are stressed or anxious or having panic, to calm the body and mind system.
Within hypnosis these suggestions are acted upon more powerfully than is possible whilst we are awake.
During hypnosis it is possible to change behaviour patterns, combat fears, phobias, stop smoking, go back to past events, recover memories and even into past lives and so much more. Hypnosis is a very natural, relaxing process where change can take place.
Hypnotherapy can change your outlook on life by tapping into your powerful, subconscious mind to create the life and positive outcomes you deserve.
Hypnosis is good for anger, anxiety, confidence issues, fears, insomnia, negativity, pain management, phobias, stop smoking, stress, unwanted habits, weight loss, and more...
What is Past Life regression?
Using hypnotherapy you can access past lives you may have had. This could help you understand what may be happening in your life right now.
Or maybe you are curious about the life you have led before.